Sunday, November 11, 2018

It's a Recruitment Season!

Hey All! Sorry for the long break and thanks to those who still keep up with me.  I'm now in year three teaching in Abu Dhabi.  I'm currently teaching grade 1 and still at my school.  I'm 98% sure that this will be my last year at my current school and I've begun my search for my new home/school.  

This past weekend I attended my first job fair and it was an experience.  There were about 75 schools there and they were looking to fill 700 positions.  I was totally overwhelmed with this experience.  There were so many educators present searching for their ideal school.  Most of the schools that I were interested in either had long lines, no vacancies for my grade level or required PYP experience.  I did manage to secure 2 interviews for that day.  The first interview went well and I was told that I passed the first round.  I'm disappointed that I missed the second interview, I couldn't find the meeting room and there was no representatives present to help me out.  I immediately emailed the head of recruitment of the school to inform them of the situation.  But we'll see how everything goes.  I would love to stay in UAE but if the right school comes along with the right package, I'm leaving.  My ultimate goal is to save money.  Although I managed to save some money at my current school, I know I would be able to save more in different locations.  

But anyway if you're looking to teach overseas, now is the time to start sending out your resumes or sign up with a recruitment agency.  Over the next few months there will be several job fairs where many teachers will be hired on the spot or immediately after.  You can try applying directly to schools or sign up with Teach Away, ISS/Schrole, Search Associates, TIE and many others. Many schools use specific agencies to recruit teachers, however you may still have luck contacting schools directly.  

I'm a member of ISS/Schrole and these are the upcoming job fairs:

Good luck on your job search!

Until next time...