Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Seven Emirates of United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Since the name of my blog is My Journey to UAE, it's only right if I share with you videos of this marvelous place.  Most people have never even heard of UAE or more specifically Abu Dhabi, I only learned of it in the summer of 2015.  Dubai is also recent to me, I learned about it maybe 5 years ago and it has been on my bucket list ever since.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

And the Wait Continues...

On Monday, there was much excitement going on with one of my Facebook Groups I'm a member of.  Some people received word that their visa applications were submitted and now on to processing, others spoke about packing, and duffle bags vs. suit cases, and etc.  Of course reading the posts left me excited and even more impatient.  I made a promise that I wouldn't contact the HR Department of my school until three weeks after submitting my documents.  Well thanks to FB, I didn't even make it to two weeks (a day short).  On Tuesday morning, I emailed HR just to get a an update.  Long story short, my paper work is being processed and the next update won't be until after the end of the current term which is slated to end on June 23rd.  Towards the end of the term, they will contact me so that they can begin finalizing booking my flight.  If all goes well I'll be heading out around August 17th!  As stated before, the school is brand new and is currently still undergoing construction.  I'm hoping and praying that the school will be finished in time so that staff and students can begin the school year. 

I really don't know what I'm going to do with myself from now until then.  I would like to hear some concrete news, I feel as though I can't move forward until I have that confirmation.  But in the meantime, I guess I should began making my "To Do" List.  I saw a cute luggage set from Heys but now I'm not sure if I should go with suitcases or duffle bags...       

Until Next Time..